Testimonial – JAKE AN MAI

“Study the scriptures. Be a Berean!”

Meeting Jake, while I worked at Zara was a great opportunity. I shared my faith with him only to discover he had been invited to the  Dallas ICC by several other disciples already. Over the next several months I got to know him really well, leading up to his baptism.  He has a huge heart, and is always seeking to understand who God is (Ricky Jean).

Debbie: Tell me a little about yourself. Where did you grow up, stage in life, working, going to school, are you from DFW originally?

Jake: Yes. I grew up in Dallas. I was actually born at Baylor hospital to be exact. I currently live in Rowlett. (Without hesitation he admitted to learning it’s important to put on the full armor of God, and to persevere with genuineness, and boldness- at this stage in his life.)

Debbie: What are some of your favorite hobbies and something you would consider unique about yourself? 

Jake: I enjoy talking about God with close friends. Video games. (He paused to ask me if I had a PlayStation. Then he continued stating that meditation was also very important to him.)

Debbie: Tell me how you were met/invited to the Dallas Fort Worth International Christian Church? 

Jake:  At the time I was active in a weekly bible discussion with a different fellowship; and also part of a popular mega church here in Dallas, while attending Richland college. I used to work with several disciples. They would invite me to church, but I started attending after Ricky Jean– a disciple and fellow coworker at the time followed up with me about church services.

Debbie : What motivated you to study the Bible? 

Jake: I noticed even though I was active in a church, I still felt depressed. I always felt something was wrong.

Debbie: Describe your relationship with God prior to studying The Bible and how it has changed?

Jake: I’m currently a work in progress. I’m focusing on making the Kingdom a priority. I now understand because we have salvation– repentance allows us to be forgiven for our sins.

Debbie: What are some of your favorite scriptures and why?

Jake: 1 Peter 3:21. It helped me realize we are not saved by faith alone. This helps me because forgiveness gives one the ability to repent.

Debbie: What advice would you give someone who has started studying the Bible or is considering it? 

Jake: Study the scriptures. Be a Berean! So you can understand if you’re truly in the light or not. Also– get advice from the elders in the church. (As we came towards the end of the interview, he picked a seasonal fruit from his home garden, and took a bite of it.) “This reminds me of the goodness of God.”

Debbie: Jake, what do you love about the Kingdom, God’s Church?

Jake: The Kingdom helped me understand that the truth– truly sets us free. I can relate to how the  scriptures describe Paul. I was one of the worst sinners of them all. Yet, the Kingdom helped save me from suicidal thoughts and deeply rooted sin. 

Always endure to the very end!