CINDY REBOLLOSO – A Woman after God’s Own Heart

“It’s amazing to see how good God is!”

Much like Elihu (Job 32), wisdom doesn’t always have to come with age. Our dear sister Cindy is full of keen insights. She’s always striving to encourage others, and knows how to serve the Lord wholeheartedly. Her experiences will be paramount when it comes to helping younger disciples. With such a believing heart, Cindy will serve as a light for many others who are in need of a christian perspective (Ricky Jean).

Debbie: Tell me a little about yourself. Where did you grow up, stage in life, working, going to school, are you from DFW originally?

Cindy: Ok, so I was born in Monterrey, Mexico. Which is the Northern part of Mexico. I moved to Texas, specifically Arlington, when I was nine years old. I basically grew up here since. I feel like this is home. It’s where I grew up and spent the majority of my life. Currently I‘m working a job that I find really satisfying. If there’s an opportunity for me to advance at work– I will take it in God’s timing. 

Debbie: What are some of your favorite hobbies, and something you would consider unique about yourself? 

Cindy: Uhm…I think what’s unique about me, especially because I’m a girl (she laughs), I enjoy watching football. Football is really entertaining to me. That’s my hobby!

Debbie: Do you have a favorite team?

Cindy: My favorite team? Oh! The Dallas Cowboys, girl! There’s no other option – I can’t believe you even asked.  (we both laughed).

Debbie: Tell me how you were met/invited to the DFWICC? 

Cindy: Ok. So my younger brother made the decision first, to get baptized after his faith was restored when he started studying the bible with the brothers. Weeks later he invited us to his baptism — it was amazing to see his transformation. 

While attending his baptism I met Ale (Alejandra)– a sister that attends the DFWICC. She asked me if I wanted to take some time to have a personal bible study. Through Ale and my brother, I was able to begin this amazing journey.

Debbie: Describe your relationship with God prior to studying The Bible, and how it has changed? 

Cindy: Before learning about God, I would feel I was too sinful to follow God– too damaged. The scriptures let us know there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for us. So who am I, not to do everything for him? You know? Some people may feel their past sins are too big for them to follow God, but to God– there’s no such thing. It’s just amazing to see how much he truly loves us.

Debbie: What are some of your favorite scriptures and why?

Cindy: Ok, so let me pull out my scripture…My favorite scripture at the moment would be Romans 8:38-39 (she begins reading the scripture out loud). This scripture really speaks to me. It’s really amazing to see how beautiful, how truthful, God’s promises are– and how good he is. Based on this scripture we see no matter what his love is there.

Debbie: What advice would you give someone who has started studying the Bible, or is considering it?  

Cindy: Ok, if I could give anyone advice, I would really encourage them to just try. Give it a go. Personally it was eye opening, and such a great experience. In the past, I struggled with feeling like God was not hearing my prayers. Studying the bible and learning more about God, helped me grow closer to him in only a few weeks. 

I feel people can feel alone like I did, and can feel like God isn’t listening to them. But we have to do things the right way, and really read and follow his word. Just do it. You will gain so much, including a family. So yeah, I would encourage them to join us on this beautiful journey!

Debbie: What do you love about the Kingdom, God’s church?

Cindy: Ok, so what I love about the Kingdom is that I’m surrounded by people with the same vision, and the same willingness to serve God completely and wholeheartedly.