PEaceful Warrior

“I know the Lord is the one that fights for me.”

While this may be an unfortunate fact, but it is often through the storms that our fruits are revealed. It is the same reason why Jesus preached about the wise man who built his house on a rock; likewise, German’s faith has been tested by fire at many points throughout his life, but through it all his heart has remained true.

Ricky Jean~ Chief Editor

Ricky: Tell me a little about yourself. Where did you grow up, stage in life, working, going to school, are you from DFW originally?

German: I’m 22 years old. I grew up here in Texas. In Irving specifically; my whole life. I lived in the same house my whole life. I graduated High School, then I planned on going to the Marines afterwards. I loved the discipline, but God’s will is perfect, so that was prevented. I wanted to go to College; either for Business or Architecture, but then that was also postponed, because I had to work so much to help around the house.

I started going to church about two years ago. I grew up going to church, but the thing is I never lived it out. 

Ricky: What are some of your favorite hobbies and something you would consider unique about yourself?

German: I did Muay Thai for four years, that’s Thai kick-boxing. I also do Poetry. I love writing. I love reading. I love escapism. And I also love reading something that’s going to teach me. Gaining knowledge, and being able to help others with that knowledge. I want to be able to lead people to Christ. 

Ricky: Tell me how you were met/invited to Church? 

German: I started to drift off from going to church, drift off from reading the Bible and praying in my alone times with God. Then Allan Ramos met Allen Torres, that’s when they started doing the Bible studies. Then he said to me “Hey do these Bible studies, bro. They really open your eyes.”

Ricky: Describe your relationship with God prior to studying The Bible, and how it has changed? 

German: Prior to studying the Bible– I knew he was everything to me. But I never had anybody to help me. I never had any guidance in my life, there was a father figure, but with no discipline. Then I started reading the Bible, and I started to cry. It made me feel that a lonely kid like myself could still have a purpose in life. I used to feel alone and depressed, not knowing what was the point of it all. 

I used to think that nobody loves me, because I could never get that from my parents. But then I started reading the Bible, and that’s all I did. In a span of like– four to six months I finished the Bible. I was so in love and my passion grew quickly the more I read. 

Ricky: What are some of your favorite scriptures and why?

German: Psalms 27:1 because it reminds me that with God I shall never fail. He will be with me always. I know the Lord is the one that fights for me.

Ricky: What advice would you give someone who has started studying the Bible or is considering it?  

German: Do it! I encourage anyone that is studying the Bible to do it eagerly. Study for yourself. If you have an inclination to study the Bible, that should tell you something already. That should tell you that deep down inside your soul you’re desiring a relationship with God. Just keep doing it; and once you finish that, and you get baptized, you’re going to see the change. You’re going to see the power of God in your life.  

Ricky: What do you love about the Kingdom?

German: The accountability. I love the accountability. I love the fact that they push you to greatness; they teach you biblically, and the sermons are in context. The people are here for you whenever, and however way possible. They are actually true Christians who desire for you to have a pure, and holy, and blameless life in the sight of God.